We have been approved for AWRS
We are pleased to announce that we have been approved under the HMRC AWRS Scheme. Our approval Number is XZAW00000103449
Shampoo & conditioner
PCHS080520 Enliven Dry Shampoo Original 200ml
Enliven Dry Shampoo Original 200ml
PCHS080521 Enliven Dry Shampoo Tropical 200ml
Enliven Dry Shampoo Tropical 200ml
PCHA148780 Head & Shoulders Classic Clean 250ml
Head & Shoulders Classic Clean 250ml
PCHA016818 Ktc Amla Hair Oil 165ml
Ktc Amla Hair Oil 165ml
PCHS000887 Palmolive S/poo Aloe Pm1.00 350ml
Palmolive S/poo Aloe Pm1.00 350ml
PCHS000886 Palmolive S/poo Anti-dandurf Pm1.00 350ml
Palmolive S/poo Anti-dandurf Pm1.00 350ml
PCHS000885 Palmolive S/poo Colour Pm1.00 350ml
Palmolive S/poo Colour Pm1.00 350ml
PCAR020203 Pantene Classic Clean Shampoo 360ml
Pantene Classic Clean Shampoo 360ml
PCHA000248 Silvikrin Hairspray Natural Hold 250ml
Silvikrin Hairspray Natural Hold 250ml
PCHA000222 Tresemme Conditioner Remoisturising 500ml
Tresemme Conditioner Remoisturising 500ml
PCHS001188 Tresemme Cond Rich Moisture Pm2.00 235ml
Tresemme Cond Rich Moisture Pm2.00 235ml
PCHA000542 Tresemme Shampoo Botanique D/recover 400ml
Tresemme Shampoo Botanique D/recover 400ml
PCHA000544 Tresemme Shampoo Colour Revitalise 500ml
Tresemme Shampoo Colour Revitalise 500ml
PCHS081102 Tresemme Shampoo Healthy Volume Pm2.00 235ml
Tresemme Shampoo Healthy Volume Pm2.00 235ml
PCHS000555 Tresemme Shampoo Moisture Rich 500ml
Tresemme Shampoo Moisture Rich 500ml
PCHS081103 Tresemme Shampoo Rich Moisture Pm2.0 235ml
Tresemme Shampoo Rich Moisture Pm2.0 235ml
PCHA000545 Tresemme Shampoo Salon Silk 500ml
Tresemme Shampoo Salon Silk 500ml
PCHA000533 Tresemme Shampoo Salon Silk 900ml
Tresemme Shampoo Salon Silk 900ml
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